Parents and carers

Being a parent or carer isn’t always easy, and we all need a bit of support from time to time. Every parent faces challenges, but parenting well helps children be the best they can be.

All parents and carers experience stress, and if you have a lot of stresses in your life it can be hard to meet your child’s needs. If you are worried that you are struggling to meet your own child’s or children’s needs, ask for support from your health visitor, a local community centre, your doctor, a social worker, a teacher or a friend.

Get help

If you feel that you are not doing as well as you should with your child or children, or are struggling to cope, you can ask for help. Talk to a friend or a trusted person, speak to your health visitor or doctor, or contact family services at your council’s social work department.

You can also contact Parentline or the NSPCC free of charge for advice and support.

Parentline Scotland
Telephone: 08000 28 22 33

Telephone: 0808 800 5000