All publications > Learning About Neglect Event Series – Webinar 4 – The adolescent neglect conundrum: how can we respond better?

Learning About Neglect Event Series – Webinar 4 – The adolescent neglect conundrum: how can we respond better?

Published: 27 September 2022

CPCScotland, with support from CELCIS and Scottish Government, delivered a series of free, online learning events from March to September 2022. Across four webinars, child protection leaders and practitioners across Scotland had the opportunity to engage with key speakers and organisations on child neglect and practice.

An area of development identified initially through the Child Protection Improvement Programme, and more recently within the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland, these learning events will stimulate conversation and raise awareness nationally about the impact of neglect on children and young people. Attendees will have an opportunity to gain further insight into good practice and approaches that will benefit their own learning and practice.

To find out more and book your place on future events, please contact the CELCIS Events Team at

This free online session was the fourth in our Learning About Neglect event series for child protection leaders and practitioners across Scotland. This session was focused on adolescent neglect, the struggle this has presented for research, policy, and practice and how it continues to be poorly understood. The webinar was led by Phil Raws, Senior Researcher at the Children’s Society, a charity that has a long heritage in England of supporting disadvantaged children and young people and advocating for change to improve their lives. He has been with The Children’s Society for over 15 years, having previously worked for the Universities of York, Leeds and Bradford.

Phil has been involved in research on a broad range of topics, including children in care and leaving care, young runaways, child abuse and exploitation, neglect and parenting of adolescents, and children’s well-being. 

Despite growing awareness of its prevalence and links to many of the problems and harms that young people experience, adolescent neglect is poorly conceptualised and understood, and work to address this form of child maltreatment remains limited in scope and effectiveness.

The webinar focused on adolescent neglect, providing an opportunity for attendees to:

  • Reflect on what we know about adolescent neglect – including findings from research that took innovative approaches to measuring neglect.
  • Consider some of the gaps in understanding of this complex issue. 
  • Look at learning from currently available research and evaluation on how to respond.
  • Consider the findings from studies on wider topics that can inform improvements in safeguarding.

The adolescent neglect conundrum – additional Q&As