All publications > Learning About Neglect Event Series – Addressing neglect and enhancing wellbeing – webinar 3

Learning About Neglect Event Series – Addressing neglect and enhancing wellbeing – webinar 3

Published: 8 June 2022

CPCScotland, with support from CELCIS and Scottish Government, are delivering a series of free, online learning events from March to June 2022. Across four webinars, child protection leaders and practitioners across Scotland will have opportunities to engage with key speakers and organisations on child neglect and practice.

An area of development identified initially through the Child Protection Improvement Programme, and more recently within the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland, these learning events will stimulate conversation and raise awareness nationally about the impact of neglect on children and young people. Attendees will have an opportunity to gain further insight into good practice and approaches that will benefit their own learning and practice.

To find out more and book your place on future events, please contact the CELCIS Events Team at

This free online session was the third in our Learning About Neglect event series for child protection leaders and practitioners across Scotland. This session was all about addressing neglect and enhancing wellbeing and the role of GIRFEC in responding to the needs of families. This webinar was led by Emma Hanley of CELCIS,  Nicola Weryk of Camperdown Primary School and Aaron Brown of Hill View Nursery, both in Dundee.

In this session, attendees heard about CELCIS’ Addressing Neglect and Enhancing Wellbeing (ANEW) Programme, which was funded by the Scottish Government as part of the national Child Protection Improvement Programme. The programme, which was delivered with a range of partner organisations, worked with three different local authorities to understand how best to address low level concerns, which if left unmet, could lead to families facing greater challenges.

Through consultation, Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) was identified as a key lever for change: a tool which, if implemented properly, could have a significant impact on outcomes for children and families.

Focusing primarily on GIRFEC practice in Early Years and Primary School settings, the session offered attendees the opportunity to hear about the programme and explore learning in Dundee, one of the three sites, in relation to:

  • The use of implementation methodology
  • The importance of child and family voice in decision-making about their lives
  • The significance of defining outcomes and coaching to practice development
  • The value of relationships in achieving positive outcomes for children and their families