All publications > Cost of living crisis – CPCScotland statement

Cost of living crisis – CPCScotland statement

Published: 28 September 2022

CPCS is extremely concerned that the impact of the cost of living crisis will be severe for many families in Scotland. 

Despite government action on energy costs, significant increases in the price of gas and electricity mean that we expect that many more individuals and families to fall into fuel poverty. The rate of inflation continues to rise sharply and there is labour unrest as wages struggle to keep pace with inflation. 

These extremely challenging circumstances mean that the implications for protection services are significant. For instance, there are predictions that we could see thousands of increased deaths and millions of children’s lives blighted. 

There is already a body of evidence demonstrating the association between poverty and child abuse and neglect. Poverty in itself may not lead to abuse or neglect but evidence shows that when families are under additional duress, more children are likely to suffer.

CPCScotland calls on government and public bodies at all levels to implement policies that will minimise the impact of the cost of living crisis on children and families. Urgent, concerted action is needed if we are to protect children at risk and avert increased instances of child abuse and neglect. 

CPCScotland, 28 September 2022



*Epidemic-levels of fuel poverty affecting half of UK households will cause a ‘significant humanitarian crisis with thousands of lives lost and millions of children’s development blighted’, warn health experts in the latest Marmot review led by the UCL Institute of Health Equity.
