All publications > Learning About Neglect Event Series – Webinar 5 – Working with families where engagement is a challenge: a trauma-informed approach

Learning About Neglect Event Series – Webinar 5 – Working with families where engagement is a challenge: a trauma-informed approach

Published: 27 September 2024

CPCScotland, with support from CELCIS and the Scottish Government, is promoting a new series of free webinars, focusing on neglect for child protection leaders and practitioners across Scotland.

In this webinar, we will come together to focus on working with families where neglect is a concern and services are struggling to engage with them. Attendees will hear from Neil Whettam, Public Protection Learning and Development Advisor at Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), and Shumela Ahmed, Managing Director at Resilience Learning Partnership, to learn about an approach and tool – the Trauma Ready Reckoner tool – that has been developed by Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP. Together, they help practitioners to understand the role that trauma might be playing in preventing more positive working and engagement with families to help address neglect. The session will explore:

  • Where services struggle to engage with families, sometimes referred to as the term ‘disguised non-compliance’ and how this has developed.
  • Changes in language and understanding around trauma, and how we can work with families in a more collaborative and trauma-informed way.
  • The context of poverty and inequality when working with families.
  • The need to understand trauma when working with families.
  • How the Trauma Ready Reckoner tool was developed, its application and limitations.